Where to find relevant information on Competitive Intelligence



Some people may want to find out more about Competitive Intelligence or simply keep abreast of new developments in this area but don´t know where to find articles, news, theses, etc. on CI. In this post, we collect our favourite information sources on Competitive Intelligence.

Academic sources:

In the academic field, information on CI is available in 2 types of documents: doctoral dissertations and scientific articles. Let’s take a closer look:

Scientific articles:

There are many platforms and associations that offer scientific articles and resources related to CI, such as SCIP (Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals), ICI (Institute for Competitive Intelligence) or Academy of Competitive Intelligence. The channels on CI in the profile of Scoop.it Bonnie Hohhof, or the blog Interneteando are also highly recommended.

Social networks:

We can find interesting information on CI on both Twitter and LinkedIn, as follows:

LinkedIn: There are several active news groups (both in Spanish and English) that publish articles, events, and other relevant information on CI. These are the main ones:

Twitter: The best way to find information on CI on Twitter is by following the hashtags#VTICOR #competitiveintelligence. We can also follow interesting accounts such as @OVTT or@interneteando, or any of the associations mentioned above. And, of course, through our own @intelsuite account we collect and publish information on Competitive Intelligence and Technology Forecasting.


Some time ago we published this entry in our blog where we list the most important congresses on CI.

Even though the community is quite small, there are many associations and stakeholders that publish information of interest in a variety of formats. Furthermore, be attentive to new developments in the field of regulations or events.

If you have questions about Competitive Intelligence or wish to start something in this sense in your organisation, you can contact us and we will help you. You can also try a professional software like INTELSUITE by requesting a free demo.


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