One of the most important keys of opportunity surveillance in the public sector is the early uptake of them. The deadlines offered by the contracting entities are usually adjusted depending on the type of contact; for that reason, the key is to detect the announcement at the time of publication.
Other advantages of performing a continuous monitoring of bids are saving time and money if the right tools are used for this purpose. INNGUMA has the capability of monitoring different platforms and information sources, filtering results generating specific alerts that make our searches more efficient.
Nowadays, there are many databases for monitoring tenders. Some like dgMarket-Tenders Wordwide offers the monitoring of all kind of tenders throughout the world. TED-Tenders Electronic Daily, however, focuses on Europe and allows the free monitoring of tenders in different areas in a professional way.
There are also other types of databases that focus on tenders oriented to specific sectors. Global Rail Tender, for example, allows monitoring worldwide railway sector tenders creating specific alerts that make easier filtering across a lot of options.
Another way to detect opportunities in the public sector is to monitor trading platforms or public entities that are of interest. These platforms, typically limited to geographical area or a public entity, specifically include valuable information about the contest.
Therefore, better understanding of customer requirements, the solutions offered by competitors, the economic value of markets and to act quickly and efficiently to new opportunities increases the competitiveness of our business.
If you have doubts about the public tenders or about their surveillance, you can contact us for assistance. Also, you can try free professional software like INNGUMA requesting a demo.