How INNGUMA helps to manage the regulation UNE 166.002



The INNGUMA Technology Watch integrated platform will support the Arrasate IK4-IKERLAN technology centre in its compliance with standard 166.002, to which the centre was certified in 2017. The technology centre that specialises in industrial digitalisation has integrated the INNGUMA platform as a tool within its strategy for optimising technological research, development and innovation processes.

A new customer has placed its trust in INNGUMA which has made the firm commitment to provide a tool to its innovation area that will facilitate compliance with standard UNE 166.002, relating to the R&D&I Management System.

Among other aspects, the Certification of the R&D&I Management System allows companies and organisations:

  • To systematise and integrate R&D&I activities into the general management of the company.
  • To maintain better control, improve planning and organisation of R&D&I units, as well as the portfolio of generated products and services.
  • To improve interaction of R&D&I with departments and divisions.
  • Transparency in R&D&I activities.
  • To improve the business image and competitiveness, and provide confidence and added value in the R&D&I activity.
  • Compatibility with other management systems.

Thus, the UNE 166.002 standard considers, as stated by the agency AENOR, practical guidelines for:

  • The formulation and development of R&D&I policies.
  • The establishment of objectives in accordance with the specific activities, products and services of the organisation.
  • The identification of emerging or new technologies not applied in its sector, the assimilation of which and later transfer will provide the basis for generating new projects.
  • Strengthening its products, processes and services and improving its competitiveness

Among various aspects, having a Technology Watch (TW) and Competitive Intelligence (CI) system is a key requirement. It is in this area where INNGUMA provides high added value for facilitating and having an efficient system in place.

In addition to supporting compliance with the Spanish R&D&I Management System standard, INNGUMA facilitates coordination of all those people who are generators and consumers of strategic information, whether it is for the launching of new products, development of new technologies or decision-making in the corporate environment.

Similarly, IKERLAN will be able to see how their information capture and filtering processes will improve, both in quality and quantity, and facilitate the management of that information.

Another key point for IK4-IKERLAN is guaranteeing the triangularization of information relating to patents, as INNGUMA will facilitate gathering and contrasting information from different sources and databases.

INNGUMA is ready to tackle the tasks that this activity requires. We have broad experience of managing the intellectual property of our developers and analysts.

If you want to start using a professional tool for supporting the  Certification of the R&D&I Management System, request a demo and you can test it for 30 days.


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